Step 1 :
Note : If you are a subscriber already then you can skip this step.
Click on the link below and press the SUBSCRIBE.
Step 2 :
After subscribing take a screenshot of the screen to confirm that you have subscribed .
Step 3 :
After that send the screenshot on the email given below along with the screenshot also send the name of video , of which you you want the source code.
It will take upto 48hrs to reply if it takes more time then you can send the mail again , if you do every thing correctly then you will surely get the code ,However you should not unsubscribe the channel once you subscribe it because if we does not record any growth in subscribers then you will need to do above steps again to get the code.
Note : You will get the source code of the projects which are shown in our youtube channel,so please don't ask for any additional code. However if you want us to make any other project then just leave a comment in the comment section of our latest video.